
Prints etc.

This is just a quick update because I've been neglecting my blog recently and I've got no real excuse, but then again I have been focusing more on keeping the portfolio content up to date.

In my last post I mentioned The Printhaus and that I was adamant on becoming a member, but I've been rather low on funds since I moved to Cardiff (and I've got a few clients that haven't paid up yet...) so signing up has been put on the back-burner allowing me to focus on using money where it's more urgently needed.

Ideally, I'd like to work on lettering and print projects at weekends with the intention of selling them here, on Etsy and locally with print fairs.
With that in mind I don't really have any designs that I want to sell, only one-offs that I've done for other people (like my Clive College or Anniversary pieces) so I've started on a small piece that I can sell. That print is this:

Hand lettered, of course. My shadows need some work, and these are not the final colours...

Hand lettered, of course. My shadows need some work, and these are not the final colours...

Originally, I did have something in mind about creating little prints in Welsh to appeal to the local community, but my initial sketches and workings were based around a gorgeous Italian script I came across in a book (the sketch can be found here: https://goo.gl/2K6Dvx) but having tried to put it in the shadowed style above, I didn't think the script really worked all that well.

The pink-purple design came from an email signature of a friend who signs off all her messages "Peace and Light, Rose" which I think is quite a beautiful sentiment for something mundane as an email, so I decided to make a thing of it.
I'm fairly happy with the way it all looks, but the paper I have for it is a deep Crimson, and I don't think the purples will really show up well it, so I've got a little more decision making before this will be print ready.

While I'm on the subject of prints, I've got some beautiful paper stock that I'm dying to use, but I want to spend some time drawing up something special so it doesn't feel like I'm wasting the paper.