Printhaus Workshops

Today was the open studio event down at Print Haus (my new local print workshop!) and having only seen bits of it online, it's safe to say I've fallen in love! It was so much bigger than I first expected, with quite a few good-sized studio spaces which artists and designers (and a great silversmith) work from, and with a wide range of disciplines on site too.

Over the coming weeks I'm going to be saving up some money so I can get a membership and be a part of the wonderful community they've got going on down there. This means I can finally start making prints to sell!

While I was there, I got talking to some of the other artists that are based here about the work they make and how they share ideas and techniques, which until now is something I've rarely come across. 

A section of the vast print studio (which isn't warped, that's just my shoddy photo).

A section of the vast print studio (which isn't warped, that's just my shoddy photo).

Some of the residents work on display in the print studio. 

Some of the residents work on display in the print studio. 

I've started to think about other applications for my lettering work, such as clothing and accessories for example. I would love to experiment with making a type-based repeat pattern for use on a shirt!

Exciting times are ahead and I can't wait to get started!