I said I'd post when I started printing, so here it is! It was quite a late session because I'd been at work all day, but it was nice to just wind down with some printmaking after a day sat in front of my computer. It was a little eerie being in the workshop on my own, but it meant I could just get on with it and not worry about being in someone's way or having to book the vacuum bed! I think that's probably one of the best things about my PrintHaus membership is that I can go any time I like.
Anyway, the prints!
Not too sure about the colours, but they look fairly nice.
The photographs above are some of the first test prints because I haven't quite decided on the final colours yet. The yellow and pink gradient is in reference to the first test print I made a few years back for my anniversary piece, by doing so I'm able to see how far my lettering has come in the two years since I finished at BCU.
I've got to say, the colours have grown on me (the yellow is much brighter in real life) but I think I'm going to have a play with some metallic colours for the final, maybe a nice copper and gold gradient? I was thinking of more natural colours like green and yellow so that it felt peaceful, I also want to have a go with different coloured paper but I can just keep playing with it until I'm happy.
I'm not particularly keen on the fact that the 'AND' has disappeared a little, maybe I've over exposed it? I don't know. Overall though I'm really happy with the progress!
Hopefully this will be the first of a few new prints, I want to build up more of a portfolio so I can apply for print-based internships eventually as well as having some nice things to sell. Which reminds me, I need to sort out my Christmas card designs...